As DeJa’ Vu sets in yet again for the 5th time over the last 7 years I sit down yet again and read the introduction and chapter 1 to this subject yet again. As per usual I get to the 2nd page of the introductory reading, I know its coming but no matter how many times I read it, it doesn’t make me any less annoyed when I do read it. “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” A quote by a man, mostly about other men who come from an era where women didn’t work, they stayed at home, kept the house tidy, raised the children and cooked the meals. It is something I strongly disagree with as I am a woman who works full-time, I have 2 children to raise, a house to keep, dinner to make and at the end of the day I still must somehow find the time in the evening after everyone has gone to bed to study. I have found myself wondering what do I sacrifice? Whether it be my Sleep, my sanity or my study time, sometimes the choice really is almost impossible to make. This is my last semester filled with my final 3 subjects, my final labor and when the semester comes to a close it will be 7 full years of attempting to studying while working, raising kids, building houses, moving 2400km away from my hometown. I am beyond ready.
I currently work as a Human Resources Advisor, based in Cairns however the company I work for has locations all over Queensland, South Australia, Northern Territory and New South Wales. This means I do a lot of online communication. Meetings and interviews are mainly done over MS teams or face to face as we found that phone interviews were lacking that personal connection that you can make by looking at someone as well as the observation of body language. Body language and observing gestures form an integral part of an interview; I have always been left considering if there was a real way to measure body language into a rating system in order to be able to further assist decision making in the recruitment process.
As someone who is about to go into business in the form of a working Hydroponics farm, I greatly understand the immense need for an accountant. Unless you are an accountant yourself finding a good accountant who knows their stuff is extremely important, luckily, we have already found a good accountant who can assist us. I have used some accounting software before, MYOB and Xero and I didn’t necessarily like either. They both seemed to have different pros and cons, we are hoping to find one that works better for the agricultural sector.
It has been quite a long time since I was in high school and I did study accounting while in grade 11 and 12. From what I remember I quite enjoyed it while I studied it, it was equally enjoyable yet challenging. The equations surrounding Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Expenses and Revenue are straight forward enough, but it was always double entry accounting that I always found tedious. As the study guide states it seems like double handling however, its no different from a builder using the measure twice cut once in order to avoid making mistakes.
The learning how to learn concept has completely thrown me especially considering I’m in my last semester of my degree. I do have a feeling that my efforts may not be best placed however I will give it all my best efforts.